Electronic Journals

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ERIC - the Education Resources Information Center - is an online digital library of education research and information.It provides ready access to education literature to support the use of educational research and information to improve practice in learning, teaching, educational decision-making, and research.

Educational Research and Reviews (ERR) is an open access journal that publishes high-quality solicited and unsolicited articles, in English, in all areas of education including education policies and management such as Educational experiences and mental health, Visualization skills and school curriculum, Gender, special education, education and child labour etc. All articles published in ERR are peer-reviewed.

The electronic Journals Delivery Service (eJDS) is a tool that allows scientists who live and work in least developed or low-income countries to access current scientific literature, mainly in the fields of physics and mathematics.

The Eldis database provides access to journals in the following areas: Ageing populations, Agriculture,Aid,Children and young people,Climate change,Conflict and security,Corporate responsibility,Education,Environment Finance policy,Food security,Gender,Globalisation,Governance,Governance assessments,HIV and AIDS.

The Electronic Journals Library is a service offered by the University Library of Regensburg to facilitate the use of scholarly journals on the Internet. At the moment, it contains 19540 titles, among them 2195 online-only journals, covering all subjects. 7414 journals can be read free-of-charge.

The Electronic Library of Mathematics contains online journals, article collections, monographs, and other electronic resources in the field of mathematics. All material is in electronic form and access is generally free, except for some periodicals with a "moving wall", i.e., a certain delay period after which resources become freely available.

Elgaronline includes Journals, Scholarly research monographs, Research Handbooks that offer authoritative, peer-reviewed and original works thus providing in-depth surveys across Economics, Law, Business, Management and Social Science and Political Science. It also provides reference works such as companions, dictionaries and encyclopaedias.

Midlands State University Library