Electronic Journals

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This is an open access portal for publications in Geosciences, Civil Engineering, Radio Sciences and Humanities.

CORE is the world’s largest freely accessible aggregator of open access content with millions of full texts, derived from thousands of repositories, journals and other web resources.

The latest international multilingual scientific findings and knowledge on COVID-19 compiled by the World Health Organization (WHO). Literature is updated daily (Monday through Friday) from searches of bibliographic databases, hand searching, and the addition of other expert-referred scientific articles. Beginning with year 2009, the journal publishes papers exclusively in English language.

A central, open-access repository of research by members of the Harvard community.

De Gruyter is an international publisher headquartered in Berlin, publishes first-class scholarship in various disciplines such as the Arts, Engineering, Science and Technology, Law, Medicine, Social Sciences, Geosciences , Business Studies and Environmental Sciences.

Digital Commons is an open access portal that provides access to journals in Science and Technology, as well as Arts and Humanities.

The Digital Commons Network brings together free, full-text scholarly articles from hundreds of universities and colleges worldwide. Curated by university librarians and their supporting institutions, the Network includes a growing collection of peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, working papers, conference proceedings, and other original scholarly work.

Midlands State University Library